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喵星人表達愛意的方式 -資料
10 ways cats deliver love and affection to the people who matter most to them 喵星人對主人表達愛意的10種方式:
1. Lightly touching her forehead against you 用前額輕輕觸碰你
This feline act of affection is delivered only to the A-listers in a cat's life. Your cat will face you, lower her head and lean forward so that the top of her head touches your forehead, face or other body part. This loving touch can often release feel-good hormones called endorphins in your cat and you,
。喵星人在它的短暫一生中,只會將這個動作展示給自己最親愛的人。它會面對著你,低頭將身子向前傾,使它的前額觸碰到你的前額、臉頰或者身體的其他部位。這種表達愛意的觸碰,會在你和它之間釋放一種稱為內啡肽的良性荷爾蒙。2. Cheek rubbing you用臉頰磨蹭你
Think of your cat as a feline graffiti artist. To make her turf really feel like home, she will rub her cheeks against the corners of furniture and, possibly, your legs or hands when you pet her. This act secretes
oils from her facial glands. It's her way of claiming you as her own. Just be grateful that she does so by cheek rubbing, not spraying。把你家貓貓想成一位涂鴉大師,為了讓它的皮毛真正感覺到家的味道,它會用自己的臉頰擦拭家具的角落,或當你愛撫它的時候磨蹭你的腿或手。這個動作會讓它的面部腺體分泌油脂,它在用自己特有的方式在表達:主人你是我的。你該感到開心,畢竟它的方式只是臉頰磨蹭而不是噴射或分泌點別的東西。
7. Kneading her paws on your lap坐在你的膝上揉捏自己的爪子
If you need a sign it is time to trim your cat's nails, nothing is clearer than when she perches on your lap, purrs and starts kneading your thighs with her front paws. But this is also a sign of affection. Experts say that this action beckons your adult cat back to a safe, welcoming memory when she was nuzzling her mother for milk as a newborn kitten。如果你想知道它何時需要修剪指甲,那么在你膝蓋上蜷縮,發(fā)出嗚嗚聲并開始用它的前爪揉捏你的大腿,便是它給你的最好的訊號,
《喵星人表達愛意的方式》(http://m.msguai.com)。其實這也是表達愛意的訊號。專家告訴我們,這個動作喚起了成年貓們童年的美好回憶:作為小貓咪時它們用鼻子愛撫自己的媽媽。8. Licking your hair and earlobes舔你的頭發(fā)或耳垂
OK, neither of these actions may rate on your top 10 list of affection preferences, but your cat is regarding you as another cat - albeit a big one - in her inner circle. Only special "cats" are deemed worthy of these special grooming sessions. In a multicat household, mutual grooming is a sign of trust and friendship。好吧,這兩點可能不會是你喜歡的表達愛的方式,但在貓貓自己的心靈世界里,它是在把你當作另一只貓——雖然體形實在很大。只有獨特的“大貓”們才值得它們?yōu)槠涫釆y整理。在一個多種貓群里,為同伴梳理打扮是友誼和信任的象征。
9. Bringing you dead mice, birds and other so-called gifts帶給你它們認為的好禮物:死老鼠、鳥或者其他
Evolution and domestication have not stripped your cat of her inner hunter. After a successful hunt, she may deposit a mouse head or lizard tail in a place she knows you will visit - like your pillow. Yuck? Yes, but your cat is sharing her prey prize with you, a true sign of trusted friendship。進化和馴化并不能完全奪走你家愛貓打獵的本性。作為一個出色的獵者,它會將老鼠頭、蜥蜴尾巴藏在一個你會去的地方,比如你的枕頭。很惡心?是,但你的貓貓正在與你分享獵物呢,真真正正表達它對你的友誼和信賴。
10. Emitting a high-pitched trill發(fā)出高聲調的顫音
Cats are capable of more than a dozen vocalizations, ranging from the hiss to the meow. Listen carefully for the high-pitched trill or chirp. These sounds convey affection and attention - not a feline demand for second helpings in her food bowl. Trill back, watch her reaction and enjoy a true cat chat。喵星人會發(fā)出許多不同類型的聲音,從嘶嘶聲到喵喵聲。注意它發(fā)出的高聲調顫音或喳喳聲,這類聲音不是它向你求助食物,而是在表達自己對你的喜愛和關注。記得同樣回應它,觀察它的反應,享受一次真正的喵星人對話。
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