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九年級下冊期末測試卷 1
1、下列詞語完全正確,加點字注音準確無誤的一項是( )
A、 提防(dī) 軀殼(ké) 憂心沖沖(chōng) 銳不可當(dāng)(dāng)
B、 褻瀆(dú) 拮據(jù)(jú) 如法炮制(páo) 良莠不齊(yǒu)
C、 悶熱(mēn) 吞噬(shì) 藏污納垢(gòu) 銷聲匿跡(nì)
D、 肖像(xiào) 勻稱(chèng) 相形見拙(chù) 鮮為人知(xiǎn)
下列加點詞語使用正確的一項是( )
A、 作為時代的年輕人,必須具有獨立判斷的能力,遇事能自作主張,才能適應(yīng)社會的需要。
B、 人類的智慧和大自然的智慧相比實在是相形見絀。
C、 陳靜同學(xué)性格內(nèi)向,不善言談,尤其是讓她在公開場合發(fā)言,她往往會惱羞成怒,一句話也說不完整。
D、 課間操的時候,同學(xué)們隊列整齊、鱗次櫛比地走運動場。
下列句子中沒有語病的一項是( )
A、 俄羅斯舉行規(guī)?涨暗拈啽,目的在于向人們發(fā)出珍愛和平,反對戰(zhàn)爭對人類虐x。
B、 在第七個國家防災(zāi)減災(zāi)日到來之際,各地舉行了多種形式的宣傳活動,以增強人們抗災(zāi)、防災(zāi),減災(zāi)的意識。
C、 要實現(xiàn)中華偉大復(fù)興的中國夢,我們中學(xué)生必須發(fā)揚奮發(fā)圖強、艱苦奮斗的革命精神和循序漸進的學(xué)習(xí)方法。
D、 為了提高同學(xué)們的語文素養(yǎng),我市很多學(xué)校正在開展“讀經(jīng)典作品,建書香校園”的活動。
下面句子中的標點符號,使用不正確的一項是( )
A、 哪怕找不到大海,也要邁出尋覓的腳步;哪怕腳印被掩埋,也請珍惜走過的路。
B、 我市今年舉辦的旅游節(jié),融文化性、趣味性、藝術(shù)性為一體,異彩紛呈。
C、 明天參觀天津自然博物館,你是打算自己去呢,還是和大家一起去?
D、 英國詩人雪萊在他著名的《西風(fēng)頌》里寫道:“冬天已經(jīng)到了,春天還會遠嗎”?
下列文化常識表述不正確的一項是( )
A、 古時住宅旁常栽桑樹、梓樹,后人就用桑梓指家鄉(xiāng)。《范進中舉》中張鄉(xiāng)紳稱與范進“同在桑梓”的意思就是說他與范進是家鄉(xiāng)人。
B、 古希臘神話中,赫爾墨斯是眾神的首領(lǐng),掌管著旅行和商業(yè)。宙斯是他的父親,赫拉是宙斯的妻子。
C、 古時兒童未成年時,不戴帽子,頭發(fā)下垂,稱為“垂髫”;男子到二十歲時舉行“加冠”(束發(fā)戴帽),表示已經(jīng)成年,后人常用“冠”和“加冠”表示男子年已二十。
D、 戲曲是戲劇的一種,在時間和空間上比話劇、歌劇有較大的自由,《變臉》就是戲曲,而川劇“變臉”,原指戲曲中的情緒變化妝,后來指一種瞬間多次變換臉部妝容的特技表演。
文中畫橫線的句子排序正確的一項是( )
A、 ③①②④⑤ B、 ②①③④⑤ C、 ③①②⑤④ D、 ②①③⑤④
注解:①[資]盤纏。②[審]詳細。③[稽]探究、考察。④[庶幾]差不多。⑤[子羔、原憲]二人都是孔子的弟子。⑥ [勉]勤勉,努力。
(1)或遇其叱咄 (_________)
。2)不幸而在窮僻之域 (________)
2、劃線詞語意思或相同的一項是( )
A、 既加冠 若既不出戶 B、 故余雖愚 雖有子羔、原憲之賢
C、 俯身傾耳以請 夫以孔子之圣, D、 益慕圣賢之道 曾益其所不能
6、選出對選文理解有誤的一項( )
A、 選文中的“我”是一位有責(zé)任感、熱心、善解人意的人。
B、 卡車司機的做法更加襯托出小拖車司機愿意幫助他人的善良。
C、 選文第11段中的語言描寫,表現(xiàn)了小拖車司機對“我”的感激之情。
D、 “我”之所以沒有告訴小拖車司機“我”就是那個曾經(jīng)幫助過他的人,只是因為“我”不想損傷他的尊嚴。
九年級下冊期末測試卷 2
( )1. What is Susan’s animal sign?
( )2. How does the man learn English ?
( )3. What’s the boy’s problem?
( )4. What time did the boy go home yesterday?
( )5. Why does the man advise the woman to wear red?
A. Because she likes red most.
B. Because the woman looks good in red.
C. Because she feels weak.
( )6. Why does the boy like Mr. Wang?
A. Because he is patient.
B. Because he is humorous.
C. Because he is helpful.
( )7. What programme did Judy watch last night?
A. A TY play. B. The sports news. C. The evening news.
( )8. Who is the woman speaking to?
A. Her son. B. Her teacher. C. Her son5s teacher.
( )9. What will Simon be when he grows up?
A. An accountant. B. An engineer. C. An artist.
( )10. What can we learn from the dialogue?
A. The woman is wearing a yellow hat.
B. The yellow hat is more comfortable.
C. The woman likes the black hat better.
( )11.Why does Daniel look blue?
A.Because he got a low mark in his English exam.
B.Because he lost a football match.
C.Because he quarreled(爭吵)with his classmates just now.
( )12. What is he going to do?
A.He will ask someone to help him.
B.He will work harder at English.
C. He will pay more attention to his classmates.
( )13. A. shout at B. joke with C. laugh at
( )14. A. formal language B. large letters C. kind words
( )15. A. late B. fast C. often
16. Where did Jack work?
A. On the farm. B. In an office. C. In a factory.
17. How often did he get his money?
A. Every month. B. Every week. C. Every half month.
18. What happened this month?
A. Jack got more money.
B. Jack got less money.
C. Jack got enough money.
19. From this passage we know that _______.
A. the manager believed Jack
B. Jack wasn’t an honest man
C. Jack was an honest man
20. Could Jack go on working in his factory?
A. The story didn’t tell us. B. Yes,he could. C. No,he couldn’t.
( )21. It’s not ______ good suggestion to drive for four hours without _______break.
A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the
( )22. -- It’s dangerous to walk across the street carelessly.
--You’re right. We can’t be ________ careful while crossing the street.
A. so B. very C. too D. more
( )23. --Did you enjoy the outdoor training yesterday?
-- No,not at all! I was ________ dead after so much hard training.
A. as good as B. as well as C. so good as D. so well as
( )24. _______ Mrs. Zhang ______ Dr. Yang shows great interest in the topic we are talking about. They want to know more about it.
A. Both;and B. Either;or C. Not only;but also D. Neither;nor
( )25. The thing that matters is not whether you fail or not,_______whether you try or not.
A. and B. or C. so D. but
( )26. I think its well worth ______ our best to learn a second language well.
A. to try B. trying C. try D. tries
( )27. —She didn’t make ______ great progress,did she?
_______,although she did her best.
A. so;No B. so;Yes C. such; No D. such;Yes
( )28. _______ the little girl was hit by a truck,nobody gave a hand to the girl ______ an old lady appeared. Why were they so cold-hearted?
A. When;while B.Before; until C. After;until D. As;while
( )29. -- Will you hold a party in the open air?
-- Im not sure,because it ___ the weather.
A. stands for B. depends on C. lives on D. agrees with
( )30. At weekends I prefer______ at home _____ a good rest.
A. staying;to having B. staying;to have
C. to stay;to having D. to stay;to have
( )31. He devoted his lifetime ______ it possible for women _______ better education.
A. to make;to receive B. to make;to receiving
C. to making; to receive D. to making;receive
( )32. You will have no difficulty ____ the problem if you ______ it.
A. solving;pay much attention to
B. with;pay much attention for
C. solve;pay much attention to
D. solving;pay much attention for
( )33. Did your father tell you _______?
A. when he travelled to Hong Kong
B. how he goes to Shanghai
C. where he has spent his holidays
D. why did he visit Hangzhou
( )34.一Do you know the new player of our school team?
一Of course! I have never seen _______.
A. a best one B. a taller one C.the tall one D. the good one
( )35. --What about going boating this afternoon?
--It sounds great. ________.
A. Either take the lead or fall behind.
B. I can’t agree with you more.
C. You can’t be too careful.
D. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
“I can’t believe what I’m hearing!”I thought to myself. Jeff was the last candidate(候選人)for president of the Students’ Union. My best friend Tony came to me and said.“I’m sorry,Mike. I really thought you should be __36__.”
Later that day,I happened to pass Jeff in the dining room. I offered him a __37_ “Congratulations” and walked to my usual table. To my surprise,Jeff put his plate beside mine.
“I’m er—I’m just wondering if you would…come to work on my team,” he said in a __38_ voice.“You are really smart,and you would be a great manager.”
“I don’t think so,” I replied,feeling unsure.
“Well,if you change your mind,we are meeting tomorrow,” he said before moving to another table.
All that night,I thought about the offer from Jeff. Maybe being a part of the election process (選舉過程)would give __39_ a chance to make important changes at our school. I decided to join them.
My first goal(目標)was to __40_ an attractive(有吸引力的)advertisement. Within a few days,we designed a poster with Jeff’s pictures showing him in a number of activities. No one could walk through any hallway (門廳) __41_ passing Jeff’s smiling face.
My next step was to__42_ which new activities students would like to have at our school. Many of them wanted a chess club and a volleyball team.
With the information I had collected,Jeff met with the headmaster. The headmaster __43_ to add these activities to our school program.
An eighth grader said,“It’ll be like attending a new school with Jeff as president.”
Hearing these words made me feel __44_. I had wanted to become president of the Students’ Union to make a difference. I achieved that and more by working as a member of Jeff’s team. He became the most popular candidate and I was large part of his __45_ .The fact that has made a difference in other people lives is the real prize. What a great feeling!
( )36. A. heard B. chosen C. invited D.followed
( )37. A. polite B. loud C. warm D.cheerful
( )38. A. proud B. quick C. nervous D. regretful
( )39. A. them B. him C. me D.us
( )40. A. print B. invent C. create D.send
( )41. A. for B. from C. with D.without
( )42. A. carry out B. try out C. work out D.find out
( )43. A. agreed B. wanted C. expected D.asked
( )44. A. proud B. surprised C. patient D.hopeful
( )45. A. luck B. spirit C. life D.success
Are you tired of the puzzles you usually do? Sudoku is a new choice. Sudoku consists of (由…組成)the Japanese characters Su ( meaning“number”)and Doku ( meaning“single”),but it was not invented in Japan. It was created by Howard Games in 1979.The puzzle was first introduced into Japan by Nikoli Puzzle Company in 1984. In 1986,Kaji Maki,the president of Nikoli made the rules strict and clear. Soon in the same year Sudoku became popular in Japan. In November 2004,The Times a British newspaper,first printed it in the newspaper. It became an international hit in 2005. Now Sudoku becomes very popular all over the world. The rule of the puzzle is to fill in the grids (格子)so that every row,every 3×3 box has the numbers 1 to 9. Here is a Sudoku. Please relax and enjoy. It’s fun.
( )46. Who created Sudoku?
A. Howard Games. B. Sudoku. C. Kaji Maki. D. Nikoli.
( )47. Which is true about Kaji Maki according to the reading material?
A. He was the boss of Nissan C ompany.
B. He helped to make Sudoku popular in Japan.
C. He was the president of The Times.
D. He is an American.
( )48. What should “Z" be in the puzzle?
A. 8. B.5. C.2. D.4
An Dun is a daily newspaper reporter in Beijing. And she has a great “Chinese dream”.
Everything about Cao Yulan’s life changed when her mother died during a heavy storm. “I felt like I’d grown up overnight,” she told author An Dun. At the age of 16,Cao left for Beijing. She has worked as a tea salesgirl and a babysitter,among other odd job,over the past 11 years. Her last job before giving birth to her daughter was managing a breakfast stand. What she wanted was to help her little brother and sister grow up to live a better life.
Cao is one of the main characters in An Dun5 s latest book. An Dun shared Cao’s story with the readers at the book launch in late June. The book,written in both Chinese and English,Is the third volume (卷) of The Chinese Dream series. The project will tell the true stories of 100 Chinese people from all kinds of life in 10 volumes,with An as the interviewer.
An Dun enjoys talking to people and she keeps on writing the true stories of “small potatoes”. Her first volumes of The Chinese Dream series have:already been published. Now An is working on the series’ fourth volume.
Wang Bing’s father began smoking when he was in college. His friend passed him his first cigarette(香煙). He has now been smoking for more than 30 years.It’s an example of how young people are introduced to cigarettes,except that nowadays smokers develop their habit at an even younger age.It has become a main worry in China that many teenagers begin to smoke. A showed that 22.5 % of the middle school students questioned had tried smoking and 15.8% of them smoked regularly(經(jīng)常).For many teenagers,smoking is a symbol of being an adult,matiirity (成熟) and attractiveness because the images who they love best often smoke on screen.
The social environment also plays an important role in attracting(吸引)teenagers,to smoking. They are used to seeing their elders,especially male (男性)family members,smoking at home. Many of them imitate adult behavior and become new smokers.
To increase the price of cigarettes is a useful way to reduce the number of young smokers,as teenagers have no enough money to spend on them.
Another way is to teach the teenagers to refuse cigarettes. A survey shows that 92.5% of the students know smoking will be bad for their health. If we tell them,in a proper way,most of them may give up smoking.
All in all,the society,the government,the school and the family should join together to take the responsibility(責(zé)任)for an anti-smoking(禁煙)act aimed at teenagers,not just to put empty words and warnings on cigarette packs.
( )53. The writer uses the first paragraph to _______.
A. tell the readers a story of a smoker
B. introduce the topic of the passage
C. introduce the college life of Wang Bing Js father
D. tell the difference between Wang Bing and his father
( )54. What’s the main idea of this passage?
A. The teenagers think smoking is a symbol of being an adult and maturity.
B. The social environment encourages the teenagers to smoke
C. The teenagers should be taught to refuse to smoke.
D. The teenage smoking has become a serious problem in China.
( )55. What does the word “imitate” in Paragraph 5 mean in Chinese?
( )56. From the underlined part of the last sentence of this passage,we can infer (推斷) that the writer thinks putting words and warnings on cigarette packs is ______ to solve the problem.
A. not enough B. of no use
C. of great help D. of great importance
A new study finds that plants communicate with one another to warn of danger.
We often consider plants as the furniture of the natural world. They don’t move; they don’t make sounds;they don’t seem to act on anything. But as is often the case,plants talk to each other all the time. And the language is a chemical (化學(xué)物質(zhì)).
Over the years,scientists have reported that different types of plants,from trees to tomatoes,give out chemicals into the air to help neighbouring plants. These chemical warnings can spread information about one plant’s disease or infestation (蟲害),so other plants can protect themselves. But how plants receive and act on the information exactly is still mysterious (神秘的).
In this week’s Science Magazine,researchers in Japan offered some explanations. They have found out one chemical message and traced it all the way from beginning to end.
The scientists looked at tomato plants infested by a common pest (害蟲).To start out,they grew plants in two separate plastic spaces connected by a tube (管子). One plant was infested and placed upwind and the other was uninfested and placed downwind. The downwind plants were later exposed (暴露的)to the pest. The results showed that plants near sick neighbours before were able to protect themselves better against the pest.
They found one chemical appeared more often in the exposed plants. The chemical is called HexVic. The scientists discovered where HexVic came from,and put it over healthy plants. Those plants were then able to produce HexVic. Researchers made sure that uninfested plants could fight off bugs and diseases. How do they know when to protect themselves? They are warned first by their friendly plant neighbours.
It is not a simple story,and it may be happening in many other plants besides tomatoes. It may also be happening with more chemical signals that are still unknown to us. In a word,we know that plants not only communicate,but also look out for one another.
( )57. The underlined word “traced” in the fourth paragraph probably means _______here.
A. reported B. followed C. doubted D. developed
( )58. For scientists,which are the right steps to watch tomato plants infested by a pest?
① Place the infested plant upwind.
、 Place the uninfested plant downwind.
③ Expose the downwind plants to the pest.
、 Grow plants in two separate plastic spaces connected by a tube.
A.③①②④ B.①④③② C.④①②③ D.④②①③
( )59. You can put the sentence “The researchers also studied leaves from exposed plants and unexposed plants." at the beginning of Paragraph ____.
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D.6
( )60. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?
A. Communicating Plants and Terrible Diseases
B. Talking Plants and Friendly Warnings
C. Protecting Plants and Clear Information
D. Growing Plants and Mysterious Chemicals
61. On the last day of his trip to Japan,he made a big _____(決定).
62. They have searched for some_____ (寶貴的)information about their trip to Hong Kong.
63. Never do anything_______(違反)the law,or you will be punished.
64. She was lying _____(醒著的)in her bed when I saw her.
65. We are surprised to find that Jim is (缺席的) from school today.
66. Smoking is one of the_____(原因)of heart disease.
67. My father has _______ (許諾)to buy me a new bike on my coming birthday.
68. Im interested in_______ hell go abroad or not.
69. —Did you watch the football game last night?
—No. My parents went home early so I had no_____ but to turn off the TV.
70. —Why did Emma go to the police?
—She was in _____ of her life. She believed someone would kill her.
1---5 CBAAC 6 ---10BACBC 11--- 15 ABABB 16 ---20 CAABC
46 —48 ABB 49 —52 CABC 53 —56 BDCA 57--60 BCDB
61. decision 62. valuable 63. national 64. awake 65. absent
66. causes 67. promised 68.whether 69. choice 70. fear
One possible version:
I love reading. I spend over four hours a week reading. On weekdays I usually read before going to bed. I read most at the weekend. Im interested in History books,and I like fiction books too. I like the four great classical Chinese novels best.
I get most of my books from the school library. My friends give me lots of advice about books. We often meet together and discuss what to read.
Reading is a time of joy and peace. A good book is a good friend. It helps me relax after a busy day. It also opens up a whole new world to me.