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米歇爾· 在歐柏林學院畢業(yè)典禮英語演講稿
Hi! How are you all doing? Are you sure?Well, let me just tell you, it is beyond a pleasure and an honor to be here with all of you today.
I want to start by thanking President Krislov for that very kind introduction, as well as all of thetrustees, the faculty, the staff here at Oberlin. I also want to tell you how proud and how movedI am to receive this honorary degree from this particular school – the first college in Americato officially embrace the admission of black students, and the first co-ed school to grantbachelor's degrees to women. (Applause.)
I should be here today. Oberlin is likely the only college in America that I could have attendednearly two centuries ago, and I am honored to be part of the extraordinary legacy of thisgreat institution. (Applause.)
I also want to take a moment on this Memorial Day to pay tribute to all of the brave men andwomen who have sacrificed their lives so that we could sit here today, at peace, with rights andfreedoms that others around the world can only dream of. I am so proud to honor theseAmerican heroes today – and every day – for their extraordinary service to our nation. (Applause.)
And I'm also a little giddy to be joined on stage by another one of my heroes, Marian WrightEdelman. (Applause.) Her moral leadership on behalf of children in this country has inspiredme throughout my career, as well as my husband, the President of the United States. (Applause.)
And, graduates, I think we should give another shout-out to your families, of course, all thefamilies. (Applause.) These are the folks who pushed you and supported you. They answeredyour late-night phone calls even when you were just calling for money. (Laughter.) So on behalfof your students, I just want to show you all some love today, as well. Thank you for creatingthese fabulous individuals. Well done. (Applause.)
And finally, most of all, I want to congratulate the Oberlin Class of 2015! (Applause.) Look atyou! You made it! You're here! You're looking good! (Applause.) And I know you worked hard tomake it to this moment, didn't you? (Laughter.) Staying up late writing those papers, studyingfor exams. Spent hours practicing and performing. You went to countless happy hours, andhappy-happy hours at the Feve I hear – (laughter) – I'm going to try one of those burgers forlunch today; that's all I'm going to have – (laughter) – where of course, parents, that's wherethey studied some more.
And on top of all of that, you spent thousands of hours giving back to this community –tutoring kids, playing music for seniors, serving food to folks in need, and of course, mentoringthe local young people back there – I see you all – through the Ninde Scholars Program. Soproud of you all back there.
And that's, as the President said, why I'm here today. (Applause.) As he mentioned, my officedid this wonderful competition to highlight colleges that are helping underserved youngpeople graduate from high school and then go on to higher education. So by providing tutoringand ACT prep classes, financial aid workshops, and so much more, your Ninde Scholars Programstood out as a shining example of how schools like Oberlin can lift first-generation students intocollege.
【米歇爾· 在歐柏林學院畢業(yè)典禮英語演講稿】相關文章:
廈門 學院 招生口號10-18